System Properties Version page


NOTE: Version information is also displayed when, from other property pages such as Tasks, Windows etc. a file is selected.  Upon switching to the Version property page, information is automatically filled in


  1. first (Window) ComboBox: select Window whose file you with to see information
  2. second (Processes) ComboBox: select Process whose file you with to see information
  3. Main ListBox: shows Version information for selected file
  4. Icon: selected file icon (EXE) or associated icon (data file)
  5. "OpenFile" button: opens file to view version information
  6. "View..." button: Views file in QuickView, if possible and QuickView installed
  7. "Hex..." button: view file in internal Hex Viewer
  8. "Attributes" group box: view/set attributes of selected file
  9. "ShellOpen" button: run selected file (ShellExecute), if applicable
  10. "ShellPrint" button: PRINT selected file (ShellExecute), if applicable
  11. "Dates" group box: display date information for selected file
  12. Apply button: refresh displayed information